Grass Seed
How To Grow Grass Seed - Beginners Guide
When Do I Sow A New Lawn?
If you want a fantastic lawn, but don’t want the expense of buying turf, sowing a lawn yourself is a great option not to mention extremely rewarding. Grass seed germinates most effectively in mid-spring and early autumn. The soil tends to be warm, there’s enough moisture and the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. Please ensure the ground is free from frost as this will rapidly decrease germination.
How Do I Sow A New Lawn?
Prepare the soil by removing any weeds, moss, stones and other debris.
Add topsoil if think the current soil is of poor quality or if you need to level out your lawn.
Rake over the site to leave a level and fine finish seedbed.
Three to five days before you sow the grass seed, lightly rake in our Pre-Seed Fertiliser to encourage growth and root development.
Sow the seeds at the recommended rate of 50g per m2.
After sowing, lightly rake over the area.
Firm down the seedbed by foot or by using a roller to improve contact between seeds and soil.
Give your newly sown seeds a good watering.
How Do I Overseed an Existing Lawn?
Scarify your lawn to remove any dead grass, weeds and moss.
Ensure the soil isn’t too compact by raking the area sufficiently.
Three to five days before you sow the grass seed, lightly rake in our Pre-Seed Fertiliser to encourage growth and root development.
Sow the seeds at the recommended rate of 35g per m2.
Make Sure the seeds are amongst the soil by raking the area.
Firm down the seedbed by foot or by using a roller to improve contact between seeds and soil.
Give your newly sown seeds a good watering.
Water your lawn daily until your lawn is fully established, this usually takes 6-8 weeks. Avoid this step if there is continuous heavy rainfall.
Your lawn is ready for its first mow when the blades of grass are hitting heights of 6-8cm. Don’t remove more than 20% of the grass in the first cut.
To keep your lawn healthy, remember to use fertiliser when required.