Iron Sulphate
Ivisons Iron Sulphate Application Guide
Apply wet or dry for a greener, hardier lawn!

When To Use Iron Sulphate:
For the best results, make sure you apply your iron sulphate mixture in the right conditions. Avoid frosty days or freezing temperatures. And make sure the soil is moist before you apply the mixture. If you’re using it at lower concentrations as a fertiliser, you can apply it any time through spring to autumn. Just avoid periods of very strong sunshine.
For higher concentrations, for when you want to kill moss, you’ll want wet, cool weather. Autumn through to spring is best, as long as temperatures aren’t freezing. A morning with a heavy dew is ideal. And if you’re worried there’s not enough moisture in the soil, give it spray with the hose first.
How To Apply
- Apply our fertiliser at the recommended rate by hand (remember to wear a glove!) or by using a spreader.
- Water the fertiliser in until it dissolves, the ground must be free from frost, so the product doesn't freeze.
For best results, it is best to treat the whole lawn, not just the mossy areas as iron sulphate has a greening effect and can cause a difference between treated and untreated areas.
- Remove or clean the footwear you were wearing during application to avoid damaging surrounding areas such as patios.